If Only - Dedicated to Chelsey -

by Eibutsina   Mar 4, 2005

If only I were there to catch your tears
Then perhaps my friend you would not cry
Maybe that river flowing would not seem so endless
And I could help the drops slowly run dry.

If only I were there to give you a gentle cuddle
Just too simply squeeze and hold you tight
Perhaps in the arms of a friend that is true
You would know in the end everything will turn out alright.

If only I were there to make you laugh
To maybe return that smile of yours that brightens a room
Sharing a giggle that only you and I would understand
You would believe that things will sort themselves out soon.

If only you could see in yourself what it is I see in you
The beauty and quality of life that you have opened my eyes to see
How aside from life’s many dramas, all the wonder it can contain
And that something’s are, and just are not meant to be.

If only I could fly, I would be with you right now
There isn’t a distance I wouldn’t travel, near or far
But instead I will keep in my most precious thoughts and prayers
If only I could be where you are…


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  • 20 years ago

    by Chelsey

    OH!!!! Good Lord!!! Eirisa..Im speechless!! ALl I can say is thanks because if that wasnt what I needed to hear latley I dont know what was!! WOW WOW WOW! Girl that meant so much to me.. I know all that is true and although you are not here with me physically..you are mentally..you are always in my heart ...and whether you know it or not you go with me everywhere! This poem was one of my faves ,,Very unique peice of work! I love you so much! Thanks again..you brighten my day!