Happy Mother's Day

by Emma   Mar 4, 2005

This is just a small token
To show my love for her
Her support is always grateful
To see me when I'm hurt

This is her really special day
So we can show the love today
We can spread around the specialness
Like she does each and everyday

We seem to send the flowers
The chocolates wrapped in lace
We buy these presents for happiness
To see the look upon your face

This day is just for you
And not for you to share
We want to say we love
And that we really care

So enjoy your special day
A break from a stressful year
To have a breather from the kids
Your happiness we want to here

*This is for all the mums out there*
*Happy Mother's Day*


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  • 20 years ago

    by Brookeღ

    Exellent any mother would be proud to get a poem like that so sweet ur great Emma keep writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    aww very good keep it up. good job.