End is near

by {Ms. Felicia}   Mar 4, 2005

Everything is turning black and white,
Losing all fear, losing the light.
Losing hope and gaining weakness,
What is wrong, what is up with this?

Pain is coming, more than before,
Feeling this hurt, making sores,
The scars are too deep, to ever be healed,
Death is near, Iv cried my last tears.

People still caring, yet I am not
They try to stop me, but iv had enough
No one knows what its like anyways,
They haven’t came near, the never ending maze.

I looked into the mirror, an image appeared,
The image of depression, the image of fear,
The memories of horror are realized
The thought that it can’t get better, makes me weep.

The blood just drips now, lost too much,
My knees keep going out; iv pushed it too far,
Kidneys are failing; slowly the pain is there,
Liver is going out, im dieing inside, with out a doubt

I lost the one person I loved the most,
Used so badly, abused mentally, felt like dirt
Never being able to love like that again,
Can’t trust anyone, don’t have a true friend.

When I get up to walk, I fall back down
Dizziness clouds up my mind
No one seems to be around
Alone and lost never to be found

So as I sit here and wonder why
What to do, when I will die
Losing all hope lost all fear
The only thing left, is to know that your here


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