My Crime (explination to my darkness)

by CynicxSincexBirth   Mar 5, 2005

I wanna tell a story
a story with some twists
It'll start from the beginning
As to why I cut my wrists.
It's all because my family
My family indeed
I've told them all my reasons
but all have disagreed
So to make them understand
I'll try to write a rhyme
So maybe this will help them
Help them stop my crime.
This crime you see
Is really very bad
Although you wouldn't notice
My issues with my dad.
Pain, Rage, Love, Hate,
All of these you can't mistake
For everything involved in fate
Slowly has me starting to break
All the cuts and cuts I make
Are really so relieving
So very relieving from this pain
this pain I've been receiving.
So tonight I'll write my last regrets
But I'll turn to something new
Something so foreign
Foreign but true.
My object of fate
is shiny and big,
something so reliable
my grave, you should dig
But when the lights go out
I'd like to say good-bye
This pain was just too much
And now it's time to die.
My crime you see
is sweet but sad
I'm going to end this misery
that had started with my dad
Tonights the night
I steal my last breath
With a boom and a slump
I have now reached my death...

!~*please comment and vote*~!


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  • 19 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    very deep wonderful poem. keep it up^**^

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    WOW.. DeEp.. and shows what no one knows... liked it much! gReAt JOB!

  • 20 years ago

    by nykki

    wow...that was really deep and depressing but good, very good.
    Nice rhyming. It flowed well. awesome job! 5/5

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