
by Tiera   Mar 5, 2005

Music is my lova.
Together we create beautiful sounds
so content with this lova i found
Music is my lova.

Music is my lova.
without music ,I'd be lovesick,loveless...
so I must take this time to confess
Music is my love.

Music is my lova.
I can't escape this love affair, nor would I dare
becuz music is so lovely sweet and fair
soothes my soul and takes me there
to the place of my fantasy
the place of my dreams.
And this image before me is so enchanting
music keeps me happy free and dancing.
Music is my lova.

Music, u r my lova.
so son't u ever leave.
Without u and ur loving, inviting voice,
I couldn't breathe.
Cuz we've been together so long it seems
and for ur sweet tones I'll be a feign
becuz they make up my dreams
and u r my lova.


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  • 20 years ago

    by wicked with wings

    great poem tiera, just to think you were always like no one ever reads or comments my look at you your off the hook. i told you, you just have to keep adding poems and wait b/cuz no matter how much i think my poems suck, some one ends up likeing at least 1! well talk to u l8er!

  • 20 years ago

    by Crystal

    great job tiera and yes this is the crytsal u kno i kninda just changed my s/n a tiny bitt BUT LOOK AT MY POEMS sum x !! i rilly like urs and to think me and britt got u started ....kinda lol ur our biggest masterpeice tehe lol that could be a poem "biggest masterpeice" love ya grl!

  • wow - thats so cool a poem - really liked reading it - well done
