Comments : Music

  • wow - thats so cool a poem - really liked reading it - well done


  • 20 years ago

    by Crystal

    great job tiera and yes this is the crytsal u kno i kninda just changed my s/n a tiny bitt BUT LOOK AT MY POEMS sum x !! i rilly like urs and to think me and britt got u started ....kinda lol ur our biggest masterpeice tehe lol that could be a poem "biggest masterpeice" love ya grl!

  • 20 years ago

    by wicked with wings

    great poem tiera, just to think you were always like no one ever reads or comments my look at you your off the hook. i told you, you just have to keep adding poems and wait b/cuz no matter how much i think my poems suck, some one ends up likeing at least 1! well talk to u l8er!