Walking along...

by Rima   Mar 5, 2005

She walks along

as they tell her she's wrong

for everything that has been done

her thoughts are deep

from the feelings she keeps

as the time is running slow

her sleeves are pulled down

in her own tears, she drowns

running from her past

but she has yet to learn

even with all the calories you burn

you can't get far from yourself

peeking through the tiny hole of life

the wall is covering her pain and strife

she will only find out the hard way

the clock is ticking slowly

as her heart is dying lonely

but the worst is yet to come

she runs until she finds a place

somewhere unknown, where she thinks is safe

falling into her fear once more

the voices in her head

are whispering her dreams of death

beating the lies into her mind

she's screaming now

beating her head into the ground

only because the voices tell her to

it's too late now

to get the help

from the few she could trust

because she slides the knife

to end her life

and stop the voices in her head.



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