End Of Me

by AngelOfFear   Mar 5, 2005

Lock me up
Break my heart
This story ended
Before it did start

Why stroke my soul?
Why caress my limbs?
Why show that love?
When you're empty within

Now I ache
As my body bleeds
You've left me to drown
You ignore my pleads

The cut is deep
The wound wont scar
You sit and watch
I've gone too far

As you leave
Ignore my screams
Blood is leaking
It's the end of me

Your picture stands
The glass does break
As you shatter
I no longer ache

But it's too late
You've ruined me
You sat and watched
As I did flee


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Latest Comments

  • 20 years ago

    by AngelOfFear

    thanks :Dyah i thought that.. i HATTTTTTTTED The ending :S :| its okey pokey.. :P thanks..

  • 20 years ago

    by Shelby G.

    the beginning was awsome, the middle even better. but the end kinda blew :\ all in all it was a good poem though, just not your best. i still liked it though!