Comments : SPLIT

  • 20 years ago

    by Elizabeth Ruiz

    oooh girl, ur in trbl! i was in da same position! juss dat in my case deir bros. itz really hard and trust me no one will understand. dey'll always tell u to go with the other guy while ur heart is asking "y not the other one?" um sos ry if diz isn't wat u want to hear buh go for the one dat isn't palying hard to get, though I bet he's the one u tilt more to. when it happened to me i juss went for the one that treated me like crap while the "other" guy was still in love with me, later I realized how I was so unhappy with the one I chose and by the time I wanted the "other" guy he moved on and now has a gf. it sux. still diz is only my opinion. trust ur heart! very good job on this poem good luck!

  • 20 years ago

    by yinyang22334455

    thnx sooo much 4 the advice!

  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ lovely write
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit