Miserable Self

by ChildofGod87   Mar 6, 2005

Angels I'm growing so much
That I don't know what way
I'm moving to or what am I doing?
I may feel so trapped that "No One"
Won't know what's going on with me,
And I can't explain by what I do anymore!!
I am moving so much that I don't realize
What's going on with myself & my own feelings!!

Walking and passing people
Makes me to think of who I am
I lose myself so much now
It's just not funny anymore
Breaking and repair my thought & mind
Is sometimes miserable to think about!!
What can I do to stop with pain & torture?
I can break so bad, but I haven't yet!!
My mom's leaving and
She's not can't back until 1-2 or 3 months
I sometimes think I can't hang on, anymore!!

Heart still beating within my heart & soul
But no one can't tell that I'm just moving on
With my life and trying to be a good person
What should I do then for everyone to see?
Should I become a bad person for everyone to see?
I know I'm not that way, but I can be!!

® Copyright © Sedusha 2005
---This is how my emotions are lately, but then it's just crazy!!!---
*Feel Free To Comment/Rate, Thank You*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    even if you try,you can never ever turn out bad...b'coz you are blessed with such a caring and loving soul...remain the way you are and someday everything will be at ur feet...take care and keep smiling...FIVE>>>

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Sedusha, We all have these terrible feelings in life, as a matter of fact in less than 6 hrs. I have lost two very dear friends, last night. They were only in their 40's both had a heart attack. Please keep me in your thoughts tonight and say a little prayer for me. I have a few rough days ahead. Take Care, and I do love you, regardless if you care for me or not. Great write and I can relate. hugs, lol, *Ann*