Comments : A Soldiers Love

  • 20 years ago

    by emily manica

    when i read your poem i began to cry. its really good. i really liked it. my boyfriend left to the army not so long ago. so i knoe the pain it is to let some 1 go. check out my poems and let me knoe wat u think
    keep up the good work

  • 20 years ago

    by elizabeth

    thank you so much! sorry i made you cry, taht was not my but thanxs for the comment! God Bless

  • 19 years ago

    by elizabeth

    thankxs for the comment, it ment alot. i'll be praying for your fiance! take care, God bless

  • 19 years ago

    by elizabeth

    i'm sorry for your loss, i know its hard for you, but keep on smiling! thankxs for your comment, it means alot to me. I worked really hard on this one (even though it may not show lol) i really do appriciate it. take care and God Bless

  • 19 years ago

    by elizabeth

    thanxs for the comment, and the simpathy...theres just one thing you should know i didn't loose anyone to the war in iraq or in the army or anything i jsut wrote what came to mind. thank you anyways! take care and god bless

  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Gosh ithink i have tears in my eyes .. the poem is such a painful heartwarming poem.. you feel so much hurt then you see all the happiness he had with her. death is a hard thing to interpret until you have something that reminds you of the person and suddenly it hits you all at once. an amazing write :]
    take care, sarah

  • 19 years ago

    by tu

    I am sorry ifn this happend to you. Tho I do not know much bout love, I do about pain. I just turned 15, and a couple of years go I, stupidly, let a guy walk away. the only one I mliked that liked me back. I loved your poem, its beutiful.

  • 19 years ago

    by Bethan

    Wow, ur poem wos beautiful, it was so sad yet so full of love, a real tragic love story. I had to comment after reading it simply to say what an amazing poem it was, full of empathy, compassion and love.
    Beth xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by nEVER bROKEN

    This is so sad... It scares me to death because my boyfriend is in Iraq right now... He is do home in may... I can't wait I miss him so much...

  • 19 years ago

    by Erika

    Oh my God that poem is very good thats rated as my fav poem

  • 19 years ago

    by CrAzY GiRl

    Good poem 5/5 love crazy xoxox

  • 16 years ago

    by Eliza

    This is really beautiful. 5/5

    wonderful words, and great emotion.

    all i can say is wow.