
by MzImperfectshun   Mar 7, 2005

All I hear are lies
Most of them make me cry
You say you'll do something
But then you don't
You say you'll hang with me
But then you won't
You say you'll do this and that
But then you become a copycat
You copy people's words and lies
It all makes tears in my eyes
I thought you were true to you and me
Now even a bumble bee is more true to me than you
I want no more lies
I want them all to die
Life was better without it
And once it's gone you won't have to feel guilt


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  • 19 years ago

    by MzImperfectshun

    thanks,unique was what i was going for

  • 20 years ago

    by Bizarre

    hey that's unique, but it's good.