Cry Like the Lonely Moon

by Amilo   Mar 7, 2005

It took me no less than five minutes to write this... I know it's not that great.

-Cry Like the Lonely Moon-

cry like the lonely moon
let bitterness encompass your once luminous heart hide
away in the shadows of the midnight clouds and
quietly may you weep for the loss of your light
drowning softly, in the waters of the hollow sky


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  • 20 years ago

    by Angeline

    I wish I had that many pretty words in my vocalbulary as you have. It makes the poems better. short but effectfull!

  • 20 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    Firstly, it's a sign of utter ignorance that you have the rating you do for this poem.

    Second, "hide" being at the end of the second line reads a bit oddly for the flow, though I enjoy the alliteration.

    Third, quit prefacing poems with statements about a poem not being great.

    Fourth, that said... Amilo, this is a truly beautiful poem. The imagery is tragic, almost heart-rending, and so very, very sublime.

    This is poetry.

  • 20 years ago

    by Brookeღ

    It was short but showed emotion I like reading a poem that u can feel the meaning in it as u read. U could always add on to this if u wanted to take more time to work with it. I think it is good the way it is but might be better if u add to it. Some of the shorter poems can end up being the best. I am not very good I haven't been writing long so I can't really give much advice if u know what I mean. Feel free to check out mine and anwser honest! Thanx

  • 20 years ago

    by Mustardhart

    Hey, that was great work, but sounds so sad to me. Hope you are ok now. Take care and be safe!

  • 20 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    very good. keep it up. and thanks foe commenting on my poems means alot to me you know~!!~