Comments : Numb

  • 20 years ago

    by DeAnna

    great job.. very deep.. i feel ya, ur a good writer.. keep it up !5!

  • 19 years ago

    by stephyG

    oMgNess,,, DAt was REaL good i CAn so realte 2 uR poemz.. omG u shud Chek out my poem **PeRfeCT ImPerfEction** I Fink ull like it mWah StepHHy :):)::

  • 19 years ago

    by Abbie

    Great poem, and very sad! I used to feel as bad as this but i managed to turn my life around, so just thought i'd let you know that things can and do get better! you just have to hang in there. Anyway keep writing xxx