Comments : I'll Be There *For Laura*

  • 19 years ago

    by Ironic Allure

    Oh my days :*(
    Bumweeeeeeeeeeeed! Awww I'm cryin, I'm sorry .. I'll comment later hehe! (good tears, not bad)
    Take care.. yeah..

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni


  • 19 years ago

    by Oliver Stevenson

    Great poem hun :) i'm sure laura is v flattered :) xx 5/5 xxxxx love u hun xxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by deadnalone

    thats so sweet hun, i bet she loves it, its so touching and shes really lucky to have you, i loved it as always,
    take care,

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    Thaanku x

  • 19 years ago

    by confusion

    very selfless and written brilliantly! 5/5 again!! lol. keep up the great writing, youre amazing at it

    take care, luv lu -x-x-x-

  • 19 years ago

    by Holly

    very sweet - : ) very much enjoyed it!

    check out some of my poems if u want
    all the best ~ Holly

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    Thaanku! x

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Laura must be a really lucky girl to have you for a friend. I'm curious as to what she doesn't deserve, or basically what happens to her, because you never really mentioned it in the poem. But you've got me wondering. Anyhow, wonderful poem babe. You're doing great!!!! :-D.

    On a random note, I'm not allowed to leave my house for quite a while because there is a serial killer supposed to be around here. He was on trail today and he was visting the courthouse, but he pulled a gun out of the holster of some deputy, shot him, killed him, and then killed the judge. He killed some other person, but I don't know anything about that person. He hijacked several cars and all of the schools are on lock down and there are helicopters everywhere. It is all so weird because our county never has any thing bad happen in it. So, this is a bit nerve-racking (sp?) Admitedly, I'm scared, but not nearly as scared as I am for my mom who is in downtown Atanta, the place where everything happened. Just letting you know, if you care the slightest bit, just go to and I think it has it there.

    Take Care, Toni!!



  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Thank you for your extremely long reply. Lol, i was looking forward to it and trust me you didn't let me down. I don't know anything else about the serial killer or even if he's in my state anymore. The police are still searching for him, *duh*. My mom came home safe and I'm definitely relieved. I'm just bored now. Doing various different activites, mainly working on my stories. My family is bizarre. They want to have a "fun day" so they're taking us to the zoo. Kill me now why don't you.

    I was a bit guilty writing that poem because it was so much like yours that I felt like I was practically stealing it, but I still wrote it anyway. If it does bother you in the least bit, just tell me and I'll take it off. Because I know how touchy some people get with their poems. Just saying....

    Anyways, if you get this soon, I'm going to stay glued to this site for like the next 2 hours cuz that's how obsessed I am.

    I just woke up, its 9:49 here. GrrRrRR....nightmares.Lol. I had an odd dream that I was in the Civil War, but i didn't belong to any side. Lol, people were shooting at me and throwing things at me. I guess I committed some kind of crime because they all decided to hang me. So there i was, dangling. Something about my dreams are completely bizarre. :-D. Anyways, hope to talk to you soon, you be careful too!!


  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    WOW Sierra thats hectic! You girlies stay safe...

    Wonderfully written poem you friend is extremely lucky to have a great friend like you :o)