I Just Want To


I just want to break down and cry,
all of these feelings bottled up inside,
every little thing is getting to me,
but i guess that it is not so easy to see.

I just want to pick up that razor blade and cut,
i have got myself stuck in a rut,
there is nothing else for me to do,
to get my feelings and emotions through.

I just want to see my blood drain,
these people and their words are driving me insane,
i am going to take this blade to my throat and wrists,
it hurts knowing that i will not be missed.

I just want to run away and hide,
these people are breaking down my insides,
i have to get out of this place,
i can not stand another day with the fake smile pasted upon my face.

I just want to leave and not come back,
my world has slowly been shaded into black,
i want to be alone,
i need a place to call home sweet home.

I just want to get away,
i am so f u c k i n g sick of feeling like this day after day,
so i will write a suicide note sealed with my blood,
cry one last time as i rise above.

© Jenna Elphick
March 7, 2005


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