by Cristi   Mar 7, 2005

4 good girls
4 good friends
no one knew how the world transcends

4 little graves with grass on top right then and there the world forgot

going to a party acting like a star as we drove home drunk in a car

swerving thinking its all cool sipping on Bacardi while acting a fool

going 95
on the highway right then and there things going my way

until the big crash when people died so sorry but mother i lied
never to drive drunk but i did my friends died and i yet lived

how could i live with such agony so i did what i had to do
i swallowed some pills hoping you'd 4give me to

now look who im next to
I'm right next to you
the four friends i couldn't live without
so i committed suicide without no doubt


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  • 20 years ago

    by Broke&Lost

    it is a sad poem and I got the shivers reading it. I know what it is like living with that guilt. Hopefully it gets better.