Still my best friend

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Mar 7, 2005

I stopped tonight and thought of you
And how I missed the things we use to do
I was only 6 when you died
I was so lost that I never even cried

I just couldn't understand why my best friend left me
I was so young I didn't understand or see
I know now you didn't want to go
But back then that I didn't know

Every night I prayed to you hoping you could hear
Hoping just one night just once you'd appear
But you never did and you never would
But I knew you would see me again if you could

I still remember how you'd hug and kiss me
And how when I was sad Id sit on your knee
Do you remember how much I use to cry?
When I left you without and kiss and goodbye

Me and you where the bestest friends ever
And no matter what Id thought we'd always be together
You'd always do anything for me
As long as it made me smile and happy

And oh how I adored and loved you
I always made sure you knew
If only I could have said goodbye
That unexpected night you died

But its not just me who misses you
The whole family would say we all do
Granddad, you where and still are the my best friend
And even when you died our bond didn't end

So tonight before I rest my head
I’ll kneel once again at the top of my bed
Close my eyes shut then real tight
And say, “I love you granddad always, good night”


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren Brow

    I cried. thats really touching.

  • 19 years ago

    by PoeticMystery

    Thats sad. Im sry to hear that! but as usual I liked it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Tina

    wow.. that was an amazing poem i started crying. awesome job.

  • 19 years ago

    by Heather Clark

    thats a very sweet poem! a true friendship never dies no matter the distance as long as you have them in you heart! *heather

  • 19 years ago

    by Amit

    Excellent write, very well done. Expressed yourself very well, that too with good flow in rhyme!
    5/5. Take Care, Always Believe in Love, Amit


    thanks for your comments and votes on my poems

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