Comments : Crying Angel

  • 19 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    Wow, this really is very brilliant. I'm just speachless at the moment. This really has to be one of the best poems i have seen on this site. I loved every single part of it, the message, the wording, the feeling. You deserve so much more credit than your rating implies. Fantastic job.

  • 19 years ago

    by Bizarre

    You have a very good way with words and I just want to let you know that this is an awesome poem! Very, very good; it's definately one of the best poems on this entire site! Great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    Oh hun, fantastic poem!!! So powerful, truly fantastic! I so hope that you're doing ok, if you ever need me, i will be there, i'll try and help. You've got so much strength to get through what you've gone through, i hope that thought keeps you going! xxxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Clown

    Great poem, i liked the wording, it was strong and true. Whenever you need an ear t listen to you, i'm here, on a scall of 1-5 I would give you a 10, but 5 is the best this website will let me do.

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Haha, thanks Lance, Toni, EpithetPoet, Shannon. It means a lot to me that you like it. As Lance probably knows, I am going through a rough time and I do need people to listen to me because I don't get enough of it anywhere else. And, just lately, all these horrific secrets pop out of nowhere and they're terrorizing my life. Everyone isn't who I thought they were anymore, and more and more pressure is being added to me. I want to burst out in tears sometimes, but I am trying so very, very hard to hang on and remain calm.

    Instead, when someone wants to talk about it with me, they talk on and on TO me, but I'm busy reading a book. I don't want to hear anything more, I just want to be out of it all. So, yah. This poem means a lot to me, and so do all of your comments!!!!! I really mean that too!

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Haha, thanks Becca. However short your comment is, I am extremely thankful that you like it enough to saw awwwwww :O)

    lol thanks Becca. That means a lot too. :-D I'll check out some of your work sometime too.