
by Kaitlin Kristina   Mar 8, 2005

Blur it now,
Lock me in,
This little cage,
Locked by sin.

Cage of life,
I’m claustrophobic,
So blur it now,
Before you close it.

Lock me down,
Keep my confined,
Chained, condemned,
I’ll lose my mind.

Throw me out,
Or keep me here,
Distort my mind,
So I cant see clear.

Smudge the bars,
Keep it obscure,
For the more I know,
The less I’m sure.

Lost in discontentment,
Being locked in life,
Is my resentment.

Hide it,
Keep it indistinct.
The less I see,
The less I’ll think.

Facts of life,
Glazed with mist,
Smear it to the point,
It’ll cease to exist.

Paint my windows,
With rose colored tint,
So glaring defects
Will no longer glint.

Conceal reality,
In haze so thick,
That this cage of life,
Is wrapped in brick

Padded walls,
For I’m losing my mind,
Life’s too clear,
Although I’m confined.

If my perception were vague,
If the truth were smeared,
Maybe I could stand,
To look in the mirror.

One way out,
End it now,
Take the gun,
And out, I bow.

Not everyone can see,
What I can see,
Not everyone’s vision,
Is as clear as me

Obviously some cages
Are too far away
From this fuc ked up world,
The angry dismay,
To see what I see,
Feel what I feel,
Perhaps their cages,
Unlike mine,

Thank you for any feedback you could give me. Thank you, as always.

Loves, K.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ReenIe

    wow it realli made me think about a lot. keep up the great work!

  • 20 years ago

    by Lauren

    Wow, this poem blew me away, its concept is *clear* lol I don't know what to say, its amazing
    Simply Yours,

  • 20 years ago

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    Good, I'll give you nothing less :)

  • 20 years ago

    by Bret Higgins

    Basically, yes. But I expect nothing less by way of return.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    I have a feeling you are going to be a pain in my butt about this poetry stuff #$^%^# ;)

    Anyway, I'll go back through and tune it up. I know it wasnt perfect, it kind of distracts people from the poem where there are grammatical errors.

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