Suicide Poem

by Jordana   Mar 8, 2005

You can feel all alone,
With no one who understands you,
No one that cares enough,
To even hear your clue.

Feelings hidden inside,
Yet screaming to get out.
But no one ever notices,
When you really need to shout.

You want them all to know,
But too scared to tell,
That is when things are cooped inside,
When you really need to yell.

They wouldn’t even notice,
A small cut on your wrist.
If you pushed it in their face,
They probably would have missed.

They wouldn’t see a thing at all,
Bout your life, feelings, love,
But when things end up with suicide,
That’s when they see the above.

Finally they may start to understand,
How everything in your life went wrong.
But now it’s too late, your life has struck fate,
And you’ve gone where you belong.

So if you feel like suicide,
Know that this is the end.
Once your decision has been made,
Your life will never mend.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    Awww! That made me cry! What a nicely wriiten piece. If you like you can read any of mine. I would appreciate some feedback. Just click on my name. :)