Closing in faster and true
Bright colors turning a muted hue
Night is falling can you feel it too
It cannot be stopped as it closes in on you
Night is lonely despairingly quiet
Alone with our thoughts evil lurks
Monsters under my bed subtle quirks
Praying for dawn seeking the light
Deep hearted thoughts fleeting fear
Reality close so real so near
Eyes closed fighting the slumber
Dreams so vivid but cannot remember
People I have hurt return to me here
Showing their faces eyes with a leer
Begging for mercy asking too see
Praying to God to deliver me
Memories can be good and bad
Why must mine all seem sad
Wanting the same less then most
Father Son and Holy Ghost
Pain extreme asking for relief
Stomach turns its not just grief
Time is short I know this now
Thankful it will be over His solemn vow
Remember me well for I loved too much
May I live in your memories as you feel my soft touch
Remember my eyes, lashes moist around you
I did I all could for us nothing left to do
Night has fallen, leaving its daunting mark
Forgive me please while it is still dark
Give me a nighttime memory to make me smile
Allow me this one thing, to carry me the last mile
Both willing to work with God
Brought together for a reason, season or a lifetime
Leaving it in God’s capable hands
Ruling in fairness across these majestic lands