Comments : Factor Of 2 worlds

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I really liked this. I admired your beginning symbols and interpretations. My favorite was the first line,
    "A blossoming tree, placed above a concrete plate"
    I love how you contrasted two different symbols onto a more elaborate one and entertwining them into the piece. I also liked your main outlook and concept.
    What I didn't like was the rhym scheme with the, "To a world of love and hate"
    I thought that has been used and is unoriginal. It's too cliche to use in a piece anymore unless it's crucial.
    Overall though, well done

  • 20 years ago

    by BreatheNoMore

    well actually it was meant to be cliche..because i was talking about how the originality in life keeps me holding on, only to be dissapointed by what i see beyond the beauty..and then I swich onto something boring and uncreative, just to swich back onto a more lucid thought..sort of exemplefying the idea as a see something beautiful in the poem, then you look down the next lines to see something lame only to come to a good point once again which keeps you reading or rather hanging on to the poem