When Deafening

by Kevin   Mar 9, 2005

....thin ice is the tip of
such an iceberg Freud would stammer
I sit numb and just staring
to points of hammer
precious tongues well past silver
assail a slightly saving silence
I fork a touch of dignity
reading verbs to lesser violence
the conclusions well scryed though
courage might and courage may
my swords a phantom light show
my armour not enough to say


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  • 17 years ago

    by MusoXDanielle

    Very good poem! love it
    Please keep writing :-)
    I enjoy your poetry


  • 17 years ago

    by swill

    You know you write cryptic and intellectual, while cryptic is nice, but in my view I find love poems to be better if they show some love, this was too "steely" for me.

  • 18 years ago

    by sweetlips

    Doze r sum deep poetick wordz yuz got thar

  • 19 years ago

    by cant sleep

    this was a beautiful poem, i loved it. sorry about the stupid people post topic in the forum, i didnt know people would get so off topic. :D well, i loved this poem. keep writing!! i could never compare to this. i wish i could. adios! nancy

  • 20 years ago

    by D..

    This is great Kevin i love...precious tongues well past silver... 5/5