Night at the Peer

by śrÂ¥ing▲§øul╬╧   Mar 9, 2005

We didn't mean to do it
what we did last night
what made everyone so scared
crying from the fright

gone forever is where he is now
wondering how to get there
i want to be with him again
he was my only care

i went inside the store
a little nervous checking my id
a fake that he had gotten
so we could get the drinks

after what seemed forever
the cashier handed me the beer
we had so many before finally leaving
getting drunk by the peer

he got restless
said we had to go
said he knew where a party was
why leave drunk i don't know

together we were happy
but that night it soon came an end
when he started driving to fast
we swerved the curb barely missing it again

then our luck ran out
we hit another car on the way
i wish so much now that we had thought a little bit
maybe then he would still be here for another day

my life is sore without him
how i don't know but I'm still here
i should have went with him and the other people
instead i now live in fear

it wasn't a drowning accident
even though we landing in the sea
it was because of all the beer we had
he flew out and now he's free

I'm still in the hospital
I'm paralyzed from the waist below
before you think of driving drunk
remember what you now know


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  • 20 years ago

    by Shelby G.

    its not a wonder why u are on my fav list... another wonderfly written poem.

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