I love and trust my friends
Because everytime I'm down, for sure they'll be there right next to me
If they need me, I'll be there for them
If they cry, I'll try everything to make them smile
If they are every angry, I'll try my best to make them happy
We support each other in every way,
Through think and thin...
I know everything about them
And they know everything about
But I might not know everything and they might not either
So we spend our time everyday trying our best to learn something new...
We all maybe crazy and lazy
But we're always there for each other anytime we need each other
I'll do anything for my friends to make them the happiest people in the world
I'll do anything to feel the most important person out there
I know one friend told me today that she's so important to me
Which is so true
Because she's one of my closest friends
I'll do anything if they need anything
I'll help them through any problems
I will try to solve them in any ways
To make them happy as always
If they are hurt,
I will give them my soul
Just to save their life
My friends are one of the best things that has every happened to me
I don't know what I will do
If they're not going to be there right by me
I will cry on my knees
And pray to God
Tell him to forgive me I've ever done anything to my friends
Everyday I dream of them
My friends and I having fun
Having fun is the best thing I've ever done
That's all I have to say about my friends
Because from now on, my love for my friends will never end...