Poem for my ex

by Kia   Mar 10, 2005

You're constantly toying with my heart
Building up my hopes and dreams
Only to tear them all apart

Everything I said turned into a "lie"
Why did you treat me like this
Why did you have to make me cry

I'm tired of being lied to
I'm tired of you not caring
This is it I'm done with you

Sometimes i think this was all just a game
All just for your twisted pleasure
But you lost a good girl, what a shame

I still want you as a friend
We can go places and hang out
But we will never date again


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  • 20 years ago

    by Amit

    ~ very nice and expressive
    ~ take care, 5! always believe in love ~amit :(

  • 20 years ago

    by Tammi

    good poem but let me say that staying friends is a hard thing to do when u used to love someone for u will always love them no matter what it is just some feeling change a little but saty true to your self and good luck