To My friend..whom I love

by Broke&Lost   Mar 10, 2005

I know you aren't reading this,
and for that I'm glad.
As they say ignorance is bliss,
and to think about it makes me sad.

You were my friend before my love
Though you know
but not to what extent and above.
How much do you really know?

I want to be loved by you
but you don't seem to notice me.
When I'm feeling blue
you are there to see
me through.

I want to tell you straight to your face
how much I really do care.
I want to see the reaction on your face
while I nervously twidle my fingers in my hair.

I want you to finally agree
that we belong together
and that I hope you see
you don't need her.

I think I am sure on this
but my feelings may betray me.
I don't wanna piss
anyone off. Only to see.

Him and me together.
Would be better then ever.

*`* I wrote this in a matter of minutes and it is for the one person that I really do like a lot but I'm not sure how he feels about me yet. I'm not sure if it sounds alright or if it sounds a little corny but this is the first time I've wrote about him in a poem.*`*



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  • 17 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    Is this about matt????
    yes or no and i will not ask you is just a hunch...
    <3 erica

  • 19 years ago

    by Broke&Lost


  • 20 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Hey, CEWL PEOM. I love to read love poems, it was fun to read, thank you. Plz, When you get the chance, please check out my poem “Bad Habit” Please rate/comment it. I would appreciate it. Also check out “Love” if you can. Thanx

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