Changing times

by Timothy B   Mar 10, 2005

Everyone changes
That we can’t deny
How everyone changes
That is the tricky part
Some of us will change
In ways hard to see
Others will change
In ways that will affect
Everyone who surrounds them

You have changed
And in the hardest of ways
Some will find it hard to accept
Because it’s not the kind of change
That will be expected in anyone
And because of this change
Your life has become harder still
Some people will have some trouble
Accepting the new you
And this will make your life
A bit harder to live
For which you will need
A lot of patience and strength
To stay in the game

So only one thing I can say
Dou I think you are strong enough
And clever enough to handle it
I still will tell you this
No matter how hard things might get
No matter how ugly things might get
I will always be around
You can always call on me
When a helping hand is needed
Or when a companion is most helpful
For I have accepted your change
Because you are one of my dearest friends
And because deep inside still
I have always
And will always love you
As that same person
Who you have always been


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  • 19 years ago

    by xxangelchicxx2000

    wonderful i can't say any thign else!!!
    just wonderful. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Brookeღ

    Another great poem u write with true feeling! I found one thing though on the second paragraph 3rd line you forgot a t on the to sorry I just noticed it and thought I would let u know. Keep writing!

  • 20 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Hey, I liked this poem, cewl. When you get the chance, please check out my poem “Bad Habit” Please rate/comment it. I would appreciate it. Also check out “Love” if you can. Thanx

  • 20 years ago

    by JJ

    Wow! awesome job! definitely a 5..keep writing!

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