Horror Everyday

by Just Sierra   Mar 11, 2005

I’m sitting in the shadows
Of the life I once knew
Thinking about what went wrong
And how it all fell askew

I think about the misery
That my life consumes
And despite how much pain I feel
The life of mine resumes

It plays like a record
A broken one at that
I ponder where I’m going
Or even where I’m at

I wonder if my life is taking
A drastic turn for the worse
Because I remind myself
With every single verse

I fill my head with questions
Of the nightmares I always dream
About how I walk without a doubt
Of my purpose or my theme

So my head is always scrambled
With mixtures of overflowing thoughts
But when I look at myself in the mirror
I see a stranger, so distraught

When I look at the mirror
I see a girl trapped in perfection
Sold her self to the devil
No longer a reflection

Her eyes were once clear
As clear as broken glass
There were pools of moving water
But unfolding, alas

But when she made that deal
Her life, the one she knew
Everything all fell to pieces
As her pain only grew

So it is that girl I see
That girl I’ll never know
It is those eyes I see
Those eyes will never go

Because what her eyes are now
Are a combination of fear and fright
Every shred of her misery
Are all put into light

It now makes since to me
That the girl in the mirror
She speaks to me sometimes
But I can never really hear her

I reach out to touch her
To caress that pale skin
But she pulls away
Before I can begin

No one chooses to notice
How she rocks in that dreadful corner
Everyone chooses to celebrate
But I choose to mourn her

Her and I are so alike
One in the same
We both got abducted
Trying to play the same game

That girl that is just beyond my reach
I see her clawing into her arm
Crying for everything lost
Committing to self harm

And when I wake up
From this nightmare
I look at my arms
And see scars there

And I wonder how
I could’ve gotten this way
And everything begins again
It happens everyday


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  • 19 years ago

    by Georgi

    OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD sierra i love ur poems they r just sooooooooo good omg omg pls dont be sad or i will cry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    hehehel....as i've heard...lol i left a comment back.

  • 19 years ago

    by Toni

    Hello hun!! Haven't logged on here for a while so thats why I didn't reply sooner! This is a fantastic poem hun!!!!!! Its awesome, and so so powerful. This bit was especially good:

    Her eyes were once clear
    As clear as broken glass
    There were pools of moving water
    But unfolding, alas

    I can relate it to my poem 'shadow' too, which is cool! :-)

    I read your post about the serial killer - sounds horrible!! I hope you and your mum are ok!!!!! Must have been SO scary! I know I would be seriously scared out of my mind. So I'm hoping you're both alright. I'm still here if you ever need to talk, about anything at all! Have you got msn messenger, because i could add you on there?? I hope you're alright hun, thinking of you - take care of yourself plz, I'm here for you!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    This was pure brilliance. Really spectacular work, as always :).

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Thank you Taylor. I'm glad you like it. :-D, thank you for your comment!!!