Well make it (i hope)

by walking wounded   Mar 11, 2005

A new life a brand new start
everything but a brand new heart
the days are passing by so quickly and everyday that passes I'm letting go more
cause you were the one who was suppose to love me
you were the one who always cared you were the one who always protected me now its seems like you don't even care
its like you love to see me hurt you love to see me cry i know i hurt you more then i could probably imagine but why hurt me more
all it is now is a vicious cycle and i cant do it anymore
you once loved me but now u don't
you once cared but now u make me cry u once never would let a tear fall from my eyes
I'm sorry i hurt you I'm sorry i let go
when does this pain stop will it ever end will you love me ever again
guess ill just have to see if our love was for real see if our love can get through the end or am i gonna fall and get kicked down in Ur final round


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  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    This was a good poem it reminds me of how I feel about my ex. Keep writeing more poems and I beleive that you will get over him just like I said theres more fish in thee sea. If you get the chance can you vote on my poem.

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