
by Laura   Mar 11, 2005

Listen to the rain.
Listen to my breathe.
Can't you see i'm dead.
Lying here lifeless.
Wanting you to notice me.
That's why i'm dead.
You were everything to me.
But i was nothing to you.
I cried so much.
Stabbing the knife deep into me.
You saw me there.
But you didn't say a word.
You just walked out.
Just like you always do.
I tried to get through to you.
But you didn't listen to me.
My heart and voice was trying to tell you something.
But you didn't listen.
You didn't want to see.
You made me shed more tears.
Why did you do this?
Do you hate me?
I'll never know the true answer.
Because i'm dead


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  • 19 years ago

    by xCezx

    WOW! really really good! ur really talneted! keep it up!
    cez xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Rebecca

    This was a good poem it reminds me of how I feel about my ex. Keep writeing more poems and I beleive that you will get over him just like I said theres more fish in thee sea. If you get the chance can you vote on my poem.

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