Somthing more!!!!!!!!!

by pagan   Mar 11, 2005

Oh what have you done,
I was calm,
I was nice,
You have no idea what i can become.

I can be anyones toy,
something play with till you get bored,
then you break me,
you'll see I'm no ordinary boy.

Perhaps you should see what i am to believe,
I never said evil,
But i never said peaceful,
My power is something you couldn't even conceive.

I yurn for pure life
I see it in some people,
I see something ready to wake up inside them,
I can't tell them so i take it in my strife.

See me for my bones and skin,
Accept me as one,
Ignore the veil on my soul,
And never understand the magic inside.

**Yo, didn't no what categorie to put in, i don't think it's that dark but please leave feedback**



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  • 20 years ago

    by Dark Savior

    you picked the right catagory and it was definately a nice poem. The thing is...i find a lot of people on here lack structure...not saying i am going to count beats on each line, because that is just stupid...i don't do that because i am not going to do that.

    A) i am not professional
    B) i am not going to spend that much time.
    C) it is a waste of time EAP didn't nor did anyone else, socrates, dican, neitchize<spelling>.
    D) i think it really ruins the poem.

    I think you just need to adjust your bars in your stanza's to come close to it, sorry for the speel. if you want to know what a bar and stanza is look below.


    P.S. thank you for your comment/and or vote on my poem, each one that i get really inspires me to write more.

    Bar) it consists of two lines that are equal in lenght or somewhere close to one and other.

    Stanza) usually consists of one bar or two bar's strung togeather to make what is known as a stanza.