Comments : Stop It

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Omfg, awwwwww. That was sad. I LOVED this line

    There are some scars worse then what you can do with a blade
    Like leave hurtful memories that will never fade

    Like I said, I am here for you. I go through the same thing practically. I don't have a dad, not really. He moved to Florida, almost 600 miles away from me because he couldn't stand the "atmosphere." My mom and step-dad mentally and verbally abuse my twin sister and I. And, to top that off, my friend recently left me because they found out about my attempts to cut. They were scared so they ran. :*(

    My best friend, now ex-bestfriend, told me she wanted me to die a horrible, bloody, painful, slow death by first my mom beating me, and then I should slit my wrists. Believe me, I cried so hard over it, but I can't ever forgive her for saying that.

    On a random note, there's some serial killer running around here. I'm not allowed to leave the house. If you go to and look for courthouse shootings, you'll see what I mean. I'm pretty scared. Thanks for being there.

    I liked this poem becasue I think like that too. When, or if, I do have kids, I'm going to treat them so well.

    Talk to me soon!!


  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    You've got me writing now. I"m trying to keep up with you. :0)

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    I've just finished writing mine. Its called September 11th. Take Care, hope to talk to you soon!


  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Yah, I've got an email address but you have to be extremely careful using it!!


  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Keep WRITING!!!!!! lol. I'm cheering you on!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Thank you soo much for that WONDERFUL email. lol. I'm glad you liked my story. I haven't worked on it in forever. Actually, I'm going to right now because you inspired me to, lol. Thank you, and please talk to me soon. I'm lonely right now and I just want someone to talk to...:*-(

    lyl ttyl bye


  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Lmao! I left you 6 comments? My oh my! lol. I love saying that! I must be crazy! :-D.

  • 19 years ago

    by GoodMorning

    im sory.....sniff sniff....thats really sad =(.....if you ever need to talk to anyone, just let me know, my yahoo sn is justaloserlikeu and my AIM sn is FakingThisLove......but im pretty sure you have plenty of other people to talk if you get a chance just say hey....umm anyways lol.....great poem =) keep it up.....and thank you so much for the comment, it really makes my day when i come home and see new comments lol, it may seem corny......but its what keeps me going....great poem once again take care of yourself ~much love~ ~more hugs~


  • 19 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Nice and kind of dark.

  • 19 years ago

    by shellybaby

    is that true, if so i am sorry to here that i had some similar acts except took different paths to get out of it thank you so much for commenting on my poems i really appreciate it
    love with hugs

  • 18 years ago

    by Cait

    Hey Nick...I haven't talked to you in forever...don't even know if you remember me...but this is a really good poem...i love it...good luck with everything..