Life is the longest thing anyone does
Why does it seem so short?
There’s no scientific proof that God exists
Why do we still have faith in the lord?
Myths are myths and ledgends are ledgends
Why do we believe in superstitions?
The future is what lies ahead
Why do people make unreasonable predictions?
Love hurts
Why do we keep looking for that pain?
Popularity isn’t everything
Why will people do anything for fame?
Death is hard to deal with
Why don’t we realize with every life that ends, another begins?
We strive to follow God
Why do we keep performing our daily sins?
It’s human nature to solve mysteries
Why can’t we just let everyone have their own beliefs?
People are not to be trusted
Why do we need the satisfaction of a thief?
We’re never satisfied with what we’ve got
Why do we pretend we’re thankful?
Our mind is what we think with
Why do we love with our mind and not our soul?
If there’s a will there’s a way
Why do we give up so easily?
Trends and fads are temporary
Why do we change our personalities with them seasonaly?
The mysteries of the universe will never truly be solved
Why do we keep trying to prove that theory wrong?
Our parents say “don’t rush growning up”
They’re right, we have eterninty to sing our life’s song
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