
by Angels Above   Mar 12, 2005

I wish things were different.
I wish things were alright.

I don't understand what I
did to make you hate me
so much?

I've tried to be a good
What did I do wrong?
Why can't our relationship
be like the fathers and
daughters in some songs?

I graduated from High School, and
I'm starting college.
Shouldn't you be happy dad?
The rest of my family is so very

I've moved onto a different
chapter in my life shouldn't
I be happy, but why do I
feel so sad?

I do get angry, and very mad
that you turned, and walked away
from me when I needed you the
most DAD..

Written By: Krystle Cox (Sweet Angel)
Written: June 1, 2002

I know this poem doesn't rhyme very well but I wrote what I felt.
I wrote this poem to my real dad that walked away from my sister and I when we were young. My dad now is trying to be in our lives but it is hard because I don't know if I could trust him again. I am trying to give him a second chance but it is really hard. Please comment, and rate it would mean a lot to me.
Thank you for reading my poem.


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