Nobody's There

by Jacklyn   Mar 12, 2005

Have you ever felt ignored?
bu your friends, by your teachers, by your peers,

have you ever felt alone?
in a room where everyone's name you know,

do you ever talk to yourself?
simply because no ones voice speaks to you,

have you ever busted out crying?
because the isolation you can non longer hold,

have you ever slit your wrist?
to make sure you still feel pain,

have you ever sniffed the drugs?
to make sure you weren't numb before,

have you ever gotten drunk?
to take your mind away from your lonely fame,

have you ever had sex before you should?
just to see if someone was willing and stick around,

have you ever been loved in this world full of hate?
or is it just a dreamers dream?

have you ever tried to be notived at least once?
or were you afraid it was one too many,

have you ever felt like sleeping beauty?
where you just breath and barely exist,

have you ever felt like cinderella?
being taken down by her family with no love,

have you ever felt scared to look in to a mirror?
because the reflection may show something you don't want to know,

have you ever though about suicide?
simply because no one will notice, care and because nobody is there.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    i really like this poem! great write!

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    Yes, I have felt/done all of those but the sex one and getting drunk....great poem, I liked the comparisons -5

    with love,

  • 20 years ago

    by Carmen

    Very sad... I think you could make it rhyme better, but it was still pretty good.

  • 20 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    I am nodding at some of the lines in this - the drunk part most deffinatley. This was wonderfully written my friend.
    Nighteh Nighteh <<33

    Luffuuls Yew