Can you clone me?
I really need to know, can you make me myself again?
Can you make me a person who is so like me
There is no way we could ever get along without one another?
Can you guarantee that there will always be someone i can talk to,
Someone who will actually return the favors i constantly give
And listen to what i have to say?
Truly listen?
Like when i say I'm OK but I'm not and everyone believes i am...
Trust me if you get me away from the crowds,
From the familiar faces, if you watch me at home,
Before my mother gets off work, if you could see me right now...
I would not be the same girl, if you could stare through this screen...
I would not look like the girl who 'sings when she's happy'
And is always heard singing in the hall...
I would not look like the girl you can always turn to for a loving hug...
I would not look like anything, because i am no one.
I am nothing.
I am just a breathe of air that rushes past your cheek,
Leaving you chilled,
A bit of dust that enters your eye,
Making a tear run down your face.
I am that bit of wood that lodges itself in your skin,
And the ant that nips your toe
When walking barefoot through the grass...
In short i am every annoyance known to man
That can ruin your life.
Repaying you, for making me...