Comments : The Word

  • 20 years ago

    by AngelsNana

    Very well written sweetheart and will lot of passion and emotion. Nobody knows more than I how deep it goes to your heart. I hope things are better in your life. Hope some things have changed. Hope restrictions have been lifted, bedtime later, can go to movies or have friends over and that you can talk to mom. I know you said you were going to meet Cat and have lunch and you could talk to her about anything. I would hope by now you could talk to your mom about anything that she would understand that she needed to be there for both of you. Hope the other has stopped and you're not being yelled at. Papa is going to have to have the other surgery within the next few weeks. If you're not suppose to talk to me or don't want to you guys need to let me know. Love you both. Take care of yourselves.

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    No, of course I'll talk to you!!! lol, I'll always talk to you, I just haven't been really good at calling lately, lol. Well things have sort of changed. Not much though-bed times the same, restrictions are the same, I was going to go to the movies to see Constantine, but it was rated R and neither Mark or Mom wanted to sit through it again. I can talk to mom i"m sure if I wanted to. She's just busy. We all had a nice little day yesterday at the park. It was right beside a COLD river and I almost fell in it about 3 times. I walked around with Mark and Joey while Mom, Aiden, and Savannah all played on the playground. It was beautiful yesterday, so yah, things are going alright. No ones crying anymore and mom said that once the drama settles down completely, they might consider moving into a new house (the one that was saw was GORGEOUS!!, but unfortunately sold.)

    I don't really know what to make of that news with Papa. Is that a good thing? I know this whole thing is horrible, but are the surgeries really a good thing?I'm confused.

    btw, I tried to send a few emails at work, but I got an email back from "nobody" again. lol. I laughed and just deleted it. Oh well. I love you, I hope you see this, lyl ttyl, bye.


  • 20 years ago

    by AngelsNana

    When you send things to me at work and it comes back in the subject line put Hall County then it will go through that stops the filtering. Glad things are getting better. That is all I want is for you guys to have a life and that is the most important thing and not to be upset all the time. As far as papa the surgery is the one where he'll have to wear the bag. Unfortunately unless they do that they cannot tell how much it has spread. He's seeing a doctor Friday to see about some more tests but the big surgery should be within the next couple of weeks. So pray alot for him and tell mom they are going to do the big surgery. Take care and have a good day. I love you munchkin. The nana person

  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Hahaha Nana, you changed ur pf. Lol. I didn't know you were 57, I thought you were 16?!?!?!?!!? Lol, You should try to write a poem!!!! Try, Try, Try. Anything with a strong meaning can be a poem, it doesn't even have to rhyme. please try :-D.

    Um....Oh yah, about Papa, I hope it will all be okay. Mom and Mark are redecorating the house, painting, rearranging, and mark has moved a computer into their room. So that might be unfortunate for me because I'll never know when they're trying to hack into my computer or not. GrRrrRrRr...nways, I love you, i gtg, talking to dad on the phone.


  • 20 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Oh yah, and guess what? Savannah and I didn't get to go out to eat with Cat because her husband, Frank, was having major heart pains. They took him to the hospital and they think there's something wrong with his heart, so now he's in the extensive care unit. They're doing tests on him. I feel dead awful, like its all my fault. I don't know how it could be my fault, but it is.

    I think I'm cursed. Cat tries to do something nice and look at what i do to her....god must hate me.


  • 20 years ago

    by Toni

    FANTASTIC!!! Wow a brilliant poem!!!! I loved the way it was written, it was so unique and just excellent! I'm here for you hun and i'll be here for you every step of the way! xxxxxx

  • 20 years ago

    by EpithetPoet

    Whoa. At first it was kinda slow but then it just hit you so hard. This is one of your best poems i think. There are just so many though it's hard to say which one is the best :). Keep writing girl, your talent will never fade.

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    wow! this poem is amazing and very well written! thanks for the comment. i love reading your poems, they're just wonderful and the way you express these feelings. you are a great poet. oh and i live in jacksonville. its okay here, actually i would like it here if i didnt have so much pain and suffer so much. i guess that kinda takes the beauty out of living here. oh well. take care. i'm looking forward to reading more of your poems! *hugs*

  • 19 years ago

    by AngelsNana

    Maybe that should have said 17 huh? Sometimes I act that right? You silly goose. Sweetie God doesn't hate you and nothing that happens to Frank is your fault. It would have happened whether or not she had made plans to be there with you guys today. They better neither of them spy on you there is nothing wrong with what you do. I'm so proud of your poems. You are so good. I can't even finish a word much less a poem love maybe sometime when you're with me you can help me and I'll try. Luv you bunches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Broken Angel

    awesome poem great job love it come see mine *Amanda

  • 19 years ago

    by Sammie Moore

    wow... that was awsome!


  • 19 years ago

    by SilentSymphony

    Nothing would suck more then going to kill yourself, when all you wanted to do was say something. then it doesnt come out. But the words on the paper should be enough.


    great poem btw. Nice

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    you're on! hehe.... wanna talk?

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    sure. lol.

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    yayy! i missed you, sierra!

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    I missed you too Zac!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    how've you been since we last spoke?

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    terrible, but now i'm good cuz Nick just wrote a REALLY sweet poem for me, and I cried, but in a good way!!

  • 19 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    omg! ty, nick! why were you terrible?????

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    People at school, teachers, so called friends, the home I come home too, every mounts up to what I feel, OH YAH!! And, I'm hypocritical i know, but I found something sharp, went into a bathroom stall, cried really hard and started clawing at my arm. I think someone saw me, but thank god they didn't know me. Otherwise, all hell would have broken loose!!!
