by Cassie   Mar 13, 2005

Far away & deep inside
I question THAT which I must hide
THAT which only, I do know
I wish that THAT, away would go
THAT could vanish, leave no trace
In my heart, THAT has no place
THAT needs to leave & let me be
But everyday it's THAT I see
It's THAT I feel, it's THAT I hate
It's THAT that tempts my unknown fate
A secret that I'm forced to keep
The pain it's here, it's sunk so deep
THAT is of my history, THAT is of my past
& every night within my sleep, THAT leaves me aghast


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  • 19 years ago

    by Aitch

    Great job Cassie 5 *~Aitch~*

  • 20 years ago

    by Amanda

    Keep writing! ur gotta enter a competition or sumthing