Comments : The hardest thing

  • 20 years ago

    by kayleigh

    aawww short n sweet that was nice , enjoyed readin it well done! xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Abbie

    that was a beautiful poem nd like kayleigh said short but sweet! i like the way you write!

  • Thanx every1 for all the comments and votes, plz read atleast some of my poems and quotes and any of them u do read vote and comments,

    Thanx again- love ya all- eL

  • this one is quite a poem i think even though i wrote it in like prolly not even 5 min i've gotten private messages about this one thanks everyone for the votes and comments...keep them up

  • this one is quite a poem i think even though i wrote it in like prolly not even 5 min i've gotten private messages about this one thanks everyone for the votes and comments...keep them up

  • thax yal again for all the comments...u know the more i read this the more i like it...even thoguh i had written it a while ago and it only took a few min...i don't think its that bad anymore...thank u all for thinkin the same