When you said

by ~*~Kisses~*~   Mar 15, 2005

When you said good-bye
You broke my heart For a life time

I know you did what was best
But we're friend's
And that's all I have left

I think that you didn't mean
To let me go

Now you're dating my close friend
She's a real winner
I hope you two have the best of luck

I see now you did what was right
But I still think
I was you're ONLY pride and joy

I still like the way you smile
The way you talk and whisper
I like the way you frightened
The boys who liked me

I know you tried to do what was right

But when you said good-bye
I lost everything


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  • 19 years ago

    by Edalia

    Who was that dedicated to?its way c.u.t.e though!love ya gurl!

  • 19 years ago

    by _-Alone-_

    Was that about cameron?

  • 19 years ago

    by snowboots firefighter

    Wow that is awsome you are a good poet.