His Embrace

by ChildofGod87   Mar 15, 2005

*!*Dedication to Bryan*!*

Liking a person
Wondering who it might be?
Keep a wild guess who it is?

Secret unknown that's told
Just by whispers within thee lips
Sometimes wondering if
It'll be sweet to kiss one day
He embraces me with every touch
Sometimes it's just too much!
Him getting lose of how
Could it be too much,
But don't worry I'll tell you
What's not too much or not!

Something of his eyes I spot
Showing some mysterious look
Sometimes so serious,
But then ought times secretive!
I could you that your cute,
Or handsome & etc.
But I'm not cuz that doesn't matter
And I don't have to say these things
Especially feeling the warmth that I so enjoy!!!

® Copyright © Sedusha 2005

*~*If people don't like this poem then don't rate it, cuz I'm not reading this for you!! Now, for the people the appreciate my work *Free Feel To Comment/Rate* Thank you!! God Bless!*~*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    I just saw his photo...handsome guy...lol...nice dedication...beautiful....take care and keep smiling...FIVE>>>

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Absolutely beautiful Sedusha, I wish you all the love and happiness in the world. Great job, hugs, lol, *Ann*