~*~°·.:.So AfraiD tO oPeN mAh hEaRt
ScArEd dAt oNcE aGaiN iT’ll bEh toRn ApaRt.
All dA sAdNeSs and PaiN I CaNnOt tAkE
I hOpE yOu’Re FoR ReaL AnD nOt jUsT FaKe.
PaSt ReLatiOnShiPz wErE nO gOoD
In Da EnD aLoNe I StoOd
HoLd mEh tYtE iN yOuR aRmZ
PrOtEcT mEh aLwAyz In AnY hArM.
WHeN I’m nOt WiTh U
I ThiNk oF aLL ThE LiL sWeEt tHinGz u dO.
ThAt MaKez mEh WaNnA bE Wit U
HoPiNg Wit aLL mAh hEaRt dAt yOu’Re ThE oNe
ThAt mAh sEaRcH FoR TRU LUV iZ FiNaLLy dOnE.:.·°~*~