Cant Love...You

by Rozzy   Mar 17, 2005

I knew this day would come for us to separate For the days that come to follow
And now that this day is here I try to hide my emotions from you But i cant help but feel so weak So hallow
Please just walk away before i can longer hold back these tears
Been afraid of this moment for so long But now i know i need alone to fight my fears
It hurts to think how much i want to be in your arms as you hold me tight
But even though it wouldn't feel so wrong...i would know it isn't right
I sank into your love so deep I never thought of getting out
But now all i think is you
For now my heart is broken
I guess this is all love is supposed to be about
You took my hand And showed me a world i never knew
When you said those three sweet breaking words My knees went weak and i knew i would always love you too
But now fate is taking it all away so soon
But how can i let go now Now that you're in my life...Now that my heart belongs to you
I wish so hard Just to be in your embrace To laugh To smile To cry
But alas it's too late Our story is now to an end
Time to say Good-Bye...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rebecca

    This was a good poem it reminds me of how I feel about my ex. Keep writeing more poems and I beleive that you will get over him just like I said theres more fish in thee sea. If you get the chance can you vote on my poem.