Broken Soldier

by tragic   Mar 17, 2005

Wounds and battle scars
haunting memories
alone in the cold darkness
a broken soldier
A bag full of pain
weighing down his shoulders
He walks away from the battles won
He Will keep on fighting
until hes done
His only enemy is life
He walks the battle field alone
traumatized, insane, depressed
to the bone
He leaves his battles
In victory
his wounds never heal
but a soldier never gives up
no matter what hes facing
he only lives up
to his expectations
the battles are always won
adding more pain on his shoulders
but even so
the war is yet to be over


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  • 19 years ago

    by Red Charm

    Hey good poem. Thanks for the comment on my poem Lonely Cries. your friend Red

  • 19 years ago

    by tragic

    thanks a million to all who comment truthfully it really means a lot thanx again