Comments : Drinking before noon with Bukowski

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I loved this.
    There is an atmosphere of hard based pure honesty about this piece that you wrote with flawless words and complete originality.
    I admired all the truth you stated, every word that was written displayed bitter reality and the flaws of it.
    Also, your imagery was perfectly fit. you described the scene with thorough detail that benefited the piece and its main outlook which presented the reader with the view through the eyes another.
    I loved the last lines,
    ""I'm an actress, well I want to be one any way."
    He looked at me and told me I'd never
    make it.
    Got up and walked away.
    I yelled "What's your name?"
    He said,
    "I like bad liquor and bad women,
    you can call me Buk" "
    it was a perfect conclusion to the piece ending with all the praise I stated wrapped up into the last few lines while adding a mysterious effect.
