YouR NoT aLOnE...

by stephyG   Mar 19, 2005

Your not alone when your depressed
Your not alone when your obsessed
your not alone when you sit there and sigh
Your not alone when you ask yourself why?
Your not alone when you wish for better
Your not alone writing poems and letters
Your not alone when you cause self-harm
Your not alone when you cant say what you've done
Your not alone when you feel so much pain
Your not alone when your routines the same
Your not alone when you want to say goodbye
Your not alone when you just want to Die
Your Not alone, please promise you wont cry
Your not alone
Because so am I..

*This is for all the people who feel like they are the only ones going through hard times of pain. i just want to reach out to everyone and say "your not alone" because a lot of People are in the same situation as you.. so hold on and you'll be alright. Mwaa


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  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah

    Wow. This is really good. I absolutely love it. It got to me. Lol. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by tea lady

    Yay greatness...its ko0ol to know theres ppl out there thinkin of the people that are depressed n feel totaly alone (hope that made sence) bravo


  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsi

    Great job! I write like this sometimes!! Thank you soo much for the comments on my poems, they meant a lot to me today, when I came home feelin like sh!t. Thanks so much u don't know how much it meant to me!! Great job on this poem, its sometimes hard to remember there are others out there that feel the same way! Keep writing!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ed

    I really enjoyed the truthfulness of this poem and i hope you keep writing

  • 19 years ago

    by Polly

    thanks. that has kinda helped me a bit because i never really considered there was anyon else feeling the same as me. its a really great poem keep it up
    Polly ~X~