Looking into the mirror

by Mandee   Mar 19, 2005

I look into
the mirror
and what do i see?
a tear stained face
looking back at me
with puffy eyes
as red as can be
from the pain
that stabbed my heart
that has made me cry
these tears of hurt
it struck me so strong
and my emotions run so deep
that no one can hear
my cry for help


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  • 18 years ago

    by Emily

    I liked it. Keep writing my friend, you got talent. XoX

  • 19 years ago

    by Rachel

    This is simple and short, but with so much meaning, and gets right to the point. I love it. It's great.

    Thanks so much for the comment on mine,

  • 19 years ago

    by .::BrokenHrt::.

    Realli good poem...5/5!! good job....ps thanx 4 da comment on mine XoX

  • Hey, very well written. You have put a lot of emotion into this, well done.

    Thanks for your comment, i really appreicate it.

    xxx cici xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by .

    aww hope your ok! Nice poem! 5/5
    P.S Thanks for the comment on my poem!