Bleeding Vampire

by Just Sierra   Mar 20, 2005

Fragments of shattered glass
Fall at my first touch
I guess I cry too many tears
I guess I feel too much

For apparently the mirror cracked
The horror of my skin
It couldn’t reflect back to me
What I felt within

Or it could be I’m hideous
What have I become?
The beauty and elegance I once portrayed
Is now so torn apart, its numb.

I trace my slender fingers
Across the bumps of all the scars
I caress them so gently
I treat them like fallen stars

I bend down to sweep up the mess
Of wreckage that is sharp
I see distorted images
Of a crying angel with a broken harp

For what is an angel
With no music to rely on?
And what I am to anyone
But a picture poorly drawn?

I feel around the edges
They pierce my tender finger tips
Blood formed into a ball and dropped
As I placed my finger on my lips

My dull black eyes I see
Once a blue that did shine
I can’t believe what I see
The reflection is not mine

How can a lonely one
One of the forsaken
How can we have a reflection
When our souls were taken?

How did I just see myself
When I drank blood of a fellow man?
Why did I just see my eyes?
How am I still standing when I don’t think I can?

I ponder these questions
As blood touches my insides
Even though it’s my own blood
I know it still provides

I part from my ecstasy
I can’t continue like this
Living a death every day
Pretending I don’t exist

But I do and as I see, continue
This isn’t the life I’d recommend
For even though I have immortality
I’m begging to see the end.

-Got this idea from Dances In Ashes, A.K.A. Mel!! You should check out her work, she's a great poet and friend!! Over all, she's phenomenal!-


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  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    great job
    love all ur vampire poems
    keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Wow that like really well written i loved every piece of it. you right so good girl omg. lov it. xoxox Rach

  • 19 years ago

    by Jane

    wow, i love vampire storys, this is a brill poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by broken angel

    I really liked it. It is so different, and that's what makes it so breath-taking. 100/5, amazing.
    Luv always, KT

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Wow I just finished reading this poem and I couldn't leave without commenting. This was truely amazing and I loved it. You are an excellent poet, especially for your age. Take care.